Check for open outgoing ports

Want to know which ports are allowed (or open) to use in your organization? You can check all ports with In bash somthing like this would help you get going: for i in `seq 1024 65535`; do if nc -z $i; then echo “Port $i Success”; :; fi done You will now get a…

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Playing with LXD containers

Lately I have been playing around with LXD containers, and its actually pretty cool. Lets create a new container: lxc-create -t download -n TestCont This will download the default Ubuntu image from the official repository and create a container named TestCont. Fire it up with “lxc-start -n TestCont”, connect to it with “lxc-attach -n TestCont”….

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Push adbkey to device.

When flashing mobile devices with custom ROMs, I have often experienced that the initial screen resolution when booting the new image the first time is terrible wrong. When this happens I usually change the screen resolution with the following commands (this is for my Xiaomi Mi Note Pro, find your setting on or another…

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Using the find utility

Almost everytime I have to use the find utility, I have to google how to use it. Today i found a site with 35 practical examples on how to find different stuff. Instead of riping it of, heres a link: Now theres an even bigger chance that you might also find it 🙂

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